Herrman Elementary School Counseling

Hope Anderson

School Counselor for students with last names beginning in A-G

Andrea Ufheil

School Counselor for students with last names beginning in P-Z

Benjamin Schmit

School Counselor for students with last names beginning in H-O

Counseling Information

Our district’s School Counseling Program is prevention-oriented with a primary goal of helping students to reach their fullest potential. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to assist your child this school year. We look forward to working with you and your child throughout a fun and exciting year of learning.

Our role as School Counselors

  • Working with students in small groups on topics such as social skills, friendship, family changes, self-esteem, school success, etc.  Students are welcome to join groups throughout the year.
  • Meeting with students individually on issues such as peer conflicts, academic concerns, family changes, grief issues, anger management, etc.
  • Teaching developmentally appropriate, skill-based classroom counseling lessons in all 1-4 classrooms covering the areas of academic success, social skills, self-management, protective behaviors, careers and transition. This includes the topics of listening, cooperation, friendship, bullying and personal safety.
  • Consulting with teachers, staff, administrators, parents and community resources.
  • Working with parents to help their children reach their social, emotional, and academic potential.

If you would like to contact the counseling department, please call Herrman Elementary at (608) 366-3438 or email Mrs. Anderson at heanderson@spartan.org, Mrs. Ufheil at aufheil@spartan.org, or Mr. Schmit at bschmit@spartan.org.