Sparta Public Education Foundation
The Sparta Public Education Foundation was formed in 2004 by a group of community members who recognized the need for an organization which would help to develop additional financial resources to support the education mission of the Sparta Area School District. In the past several years, the Foundation has provided thousands of dollars to staff members to promote innovative educational programs. The Foundation also provides scholarships annually to graduating seniors.
The mission statement of the Foundation is “Acquire and provide resources to enhance the education in our community”. The Foundation further defines its mission with the following statements of purpose:
- Improve student achievement and development.
- Encourage community involvement and partnerships.
- Promote public education.
- Provide enhanced learning opportunities.
- Recognize outstanding contributions to our schools.
Nominate a Spartan Staff Member
The Sparta Public Education Foundation would like to offer the opportunity for families to nominate a staff member who has had a positive impact on their student(s). We are encouraging families to fill out this nomination form so the Foundation can recognize the staff member.
Student Support Fund

Why give to the Sparta Public Education Foundation?
Donations to the Foundation will be used to provide programs and resources not typically available to Sparta students due to the limits of the Wisconsin school finance formula. Although it is a “high aid” district, in the current school year the District will spend less per pupil than the state average for instructional costs.
The Sparta Public Education Foundation is recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Gifts to the Foundation may be sent to:
Sparta Public Education Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 371
Sparta, WI 54656-0371
What projects has the Foundation supported recently?
Donations to the Sparta Public Education Foundation support the annual mini-grant program. Recently, Foundation grants supported: music instrument purchase, parent connection night, District diversity day, intergenerational activities, hallway murals, science fair, phonic education, and PBIS activities. Mini-grant awards are announced annually in November. The Foundation has awarded more than $50,000 in mini-grants since its inception.
Board of Directors
President- Mike Pace, mtpacer@gmail.com
Vice President-
Treasurer- Mark Sund
Secretary- Colin Burns-Gilbert, cburnsgilbert@gmail.com
Mr. Russ - sruss@spartan.org
You may contact the Foundation through mail:
Sparta Public Education Foundation
PO Box 371
Sparta, WI 54656-0371