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Welcome to the Sparta Area School District and the 2024-2025 School Year!
We are preparing for a great 2024-25 School Year! I hope this information is helpful in planning for the year and if there are any questions, please feel free to contact your child's building principal or me. At any time you have any comments, suggestions, or questions, you can submit them through this site as well.
Thanks and Go Spartans!!!
Sam Russ
SASD Superintendent
This is the board approved calendar for the 2023-24 school year.
Want to know which of our Spartans are playing or register your student for an activity? This is the place. A full schedule is available as well as the needed forms and contact information.
Our District’s Nutrition Services Department will send home its annual mailing with information about this program. Additional forms are available on the website. All families are encouraged to fill out this form regardless if they feel they do not qualify for free/reduced meals as this assists our District in many areas.
Find information about online and in-person enrollment for new students to the Sparta Area School District.
Find out what supplies are needed at your child’s school.
Follow these instructions to manage your Skylert notification preferences. Skylert is used to notify families of school closings, delays, and other time-sensitive information.
This system allows families to check student grades/attendance and add money to meal accounts.
Information and forms related to District busing.
We share the great work Spartans are doing on our website and on our social media sites. Like and follow our pages and stay #SpartanProud!