Camp Sparta (Summer School)

Camp Sparta Summer School

Registration Opens April 3, 2025!

Summer programming registration is open soon. You must pre-register each child before class registration.  Pre-registration is required in order to secure busing, afternoon WIN, and give permission for walking field trips during Camp Sparta. 
Pre-Registration Instructions

Here's how pre-registration works:

  • Fill out the pre-registration form indicating your needs for afternoon WIN and busing as well as giving permission for walking field trips. 
  • Browse through our Summer Programming Catalog to explore our offerings.
  • Select the courses your child is interested in attending and make a note of their respective codes or titles and session.
  • Follow the instructions linked here to register for courses. 

If you have a student who would like to register for a credit-bearing course, please complete this link. If your student needs a credit-recovery course, they will be hearing from their school counselor to get them registered. 

Our team is here to assist you every step of the way, so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further information. You can contact us at or call us at (608)366-3468.

2025 Schedule

  • June 2-August 10: Spartan Fit and Speed and Strength
  • June 16-20: STEMKAMP (grades 3-9)- Registration opens March 24, 2025
  • June 9-July 2: Fee-based WIN
  • June 9-July 2: Credit recovery, credit-bearing courses for high school and middle school (4 days with Friday being an option with supervision)
  • July 7-August 1: Traditional Camp Sparta (enrichment classes, sports FUNdamentals, etc.), after-school WIN (free)
  • July 7-30: Credit recovery, credit-bearing courses for high school (4 days with Friday being an option with supervision)
  • No classes will be held July 3 and 4

Full Day WIN

We are so excited to be offering our full day, fee based, WIN program again this summer! The dates will be June 9 - July 2, 2025 for students entering kindergarten through 4th grade in the fall. The program will be housed at Herrman Elementary with the hours of 7:30 - 4:00 and the cost is $200 per child, due by May 17, 2025. We will be limiting this program to 100 students and your spot is not secured until payment is received.

There will be a few ways to register for this opportunity. We will be available at the upcoming Parent/Teacher Conferences, please see dates and times below to answer questions and collect payment, there will be a link available at, or you can stop by Herrman Elementary or Southside Early Learning Center during business hours.

Please take note:

  • You will register separately for WIN after Camp Sparta
  • We will be offering optional field trips for an additional cost, more information to follow
  • Our program staff is made up of high school students, college students, and adults from our community.

Registration opens first week in April.

La inscripción a la programación de verano ya está abierta. Debe preinscribir a cada niño antes de la inscripción a la clase. Consulte el correo electrónico del miércoles 27 de marzo (o haga clic aquí) para obtener instrucciones sobre la preinscripción. Se requiere preinscripción para asegurar el transporte en autobús, WIN por la tarde y además de dar permiso para excursiones a pie durante Camp Sparta.

Así es como funciona la preinscripción:

  • Complete el formulario de preinscripción indicando sus necesidades para WIN por la tarde y transporte en autobús, además de dar permiso para excursiones a pie.
  • Explore nuestro Catàlogo de Cursos adjunto a este correo electrónico para explorar nuestras ofertas.
  • Seleccione los cursos a los que su hijo le interesa asistir y tome nota de sus respectivos códigos o títulos y sesión.
  • Siga las instrucciones vinculadas aquí para registrarse en cursos.

Nuestro equipo está aquí para ayudarlo en cada paso del camino, así que no dude en comunicarse si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita más información. Puede contactarnos en o llamarnos al (608)366-3468.