About our District
On behalf of the entire Sparta Area School District, I would like to welcome you to our learning community! We are very proud and have a passion for academic, social, and emotional excellence, while focusing on personal growth, positive relationships, collaboration, and curiosity.
Our district holds strong traditions from every level K4-12, while also being open to making changes to meet the needs of our students. Our highly qualified and outstanding staff have enabled our students to be ready and prepared for the next step in their own personal journey. With an infusion of instructional technology, a challenging curriculum, and student access to industry standard learning tools, we believe Sparta students are prepared to compete in this changing society and global market. Our district is committed to developing the whole child, through a strong commitment to not only the core subject areas, but the arts, physical education, STEM, music, technology, world languages, and a large after school and co-curricular program.
Our staff, buildings, facilities, and instructional technology will continue to meet the needs of all our learners through our curriculum, assessments, activities, and other learning opportunities. Our schools also follow the Spartan Way (respectful, responsible, and safe) which helps us establish common expectations to ensure our learning environments foster collaboration, creativity, communication, and problem solving.
Our staff have a strong desire to meet our mission, “To educate all students academically, emotionally, and socially, to inspire curiosity and resilience”, and represent the values of the Sparta Area School District. As a district, we continue to transform ourselves to meet the needs of our students.
Welcome to the Sparta Area School District and go Spartans!!!
Our Mission
To educate all students academically, emotionally, and socially to inspire curiosity and resilience.
Our Vision
To design and deliver the best educational journey for all.
Our Collective Commitments
1. We will cultivate an unwavering belief that all children can learn.
2. We will make our classrooms and our schools a safe place to learn and share our successes and mistakes.
3. We will engage in day-to-day behavior that reflects a positive, professional culture in our schools and the district.
4. We will develop supportive, positive, caring relationships with all students for learning success.
5. We will teach all students to relate to each other to create an inclusive school community.
6. We will provide collaborative learning opportunities and use a variety of learning tools to engage all students.
7. We will adjust instructional practices to meet the needs of all students.
8. We will hold high expectations for student achievement.
9. We will consider all students’ interests, needs, backgrounds, and cultures in our collective planning.
10. We will guide all students in goal setting and career planning to give students ownership in their learning.
Strategic Plan